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Alec Baldwin extends Donald Trump impression to new satirical memoir

Last Updated Nov 7, 2017 at 1:40 pm MDT

Actor Alec Baldwin appears at Barnes & Noble Union Square to sign copies of his new book, "Nevertheless: A Memoir" in New York on April 4, 2017. On the phone from New York, Alec Baldwin chuckles in response to a question about how he's doing. "I'm spending the day talking about Trump, so how good could I be?" he asks. Specifically, he's scheduled for a day of press about his new book with humorist Kurt Andersen, "You Can't Spell America Without Me: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of My Fantastic First Year as President."v THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Invision - Greg Allen

On the phone from New York, Alec Baldwin chuckles in response to a question about how he’s doing.

“I’m spending the day talking about Trump, so how good could I be?” he asks.

Specifically, he’s scheduled for a day of press about his new book with humorist Kurt Andersen, “You Can’t Spell America Without Me: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of My Fantastic First Year as President.”

It’s their idea of what an honest memoir written by the U.S. president might look like, inspired by Trump’s unbridled, unrehearsed communication style.

The Trump that Baldwin and Andersen have imagined never pauses to consider how brash or ridiculous his self-aggrandizing monologues might sound to other people. The book paints Trump as a petty narcissist with no self-awareness who congratulates himself, at 71, for remaining married to a 47-year-old.

“What we decided is, Trump is basically incapable of being reflective,” says Baldwin, who has famously impersonated Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” in a recent interview.

“What would Trump sound like if he tried to be reflective? He would mess that up, obviously.”

Baldwin says he welcomed the opportunity to extend his “SNL” impression to a longer, more detailed characterization. But the character is the same, he says: the Trump of the book, like the Trump of “SNL,” is unhappy.

“I’ve chosen to play him filled with bile,” he says. “Trump is miserable no matter what happens. If he wins the election, he’s miserable. If he loses, he’s miserable. I just tried to make him the most miserable person I possibly could.”

One of the biggest challenges in putting the book together was simply keeping up with Trump’s rapid shifts in focus.

“Of course we said things to ourselves like, ‘Do we withhold the publication of the book if Trump gets impeached?'” Baldwin remembers.

“It was actually a conversation about that: would Trump last until the book is over?”

Both Baldwin and Andersen have been on Trump’s radar in the past. The president has tweeted that “SNL” is “boring and unfunny” and that Baldwin’s “portrayal stinks.” He also told the New York Post in 2009 that Andersen is “a third-rate writer and an unsuccessful one at that.” Anderson is the co-founder of Spy magazine, which came up with the infamous description of Trump as a “short-fingered vulgarian.”

Despite a comment Baldwin made on his podcast last month questioning whether his Trump impersonation made the president too “cuddly,” he rejects the idea that comedians mocking Trump contributed in any way to his election win.

“That we made Trump more humanized and therefore more electable … that’s an interesting idea, but not a good one.”

He says comedy is a necessary antidote to what’s going on the news. Without comedy, Baldwin says, “you can’t live in this country, especially with the kind of vulgar, ceaseless, metronomic droning of the media today.

“People need some — I’m not going to say narcotic, but they need some digestif, if you will, something to take along with this meal that they’re forced to eat.”

Baldwin has now been performing as Trump for over a year, but he says he’s managed to avoid letting the president’s behaviour or mannerisms seep into his everyday life.

“I don’t find myself going to a restaurant and saying, ‘I want to have an omelette with some wheat toast,'” says Baldwin, suddenly breaking into his Trump voice.

“‘No butter, hold the butter, I don’t like butter, don’t put any butter on it’ — you know, erupting into Trump on a dime like that.

“When it’s over I have that shower like you see Meryl Streep have in ‘Silkwood,’ where they scrub all the radioactive material,” he says. “I go home and I scrub it off.”